Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Retro Kitten Apparel Has A New URL Website Store

Retro Kitten Apparel has finally updated our URL to We've been doing business under this name for several years now, but our store was connected to our old name and business platform Gypsies Do It It will take a few weeks for our customers to find us on search engines without directly typing in our new URL into the address bar. We have deleted the old URL for GDIB so we have created this blog to help direct you to our store. It's the same store you have always shopped at and only the address has changed. We've provided you with a link above. Please be sure to update your Bookmarks, and links. It won't be long until you can simply type in our name and find us on the search engine of your choice again. Thanks everyone for your patience and effort! Lindsay Dominguez, owner 559-326-0130

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